Wednesday, June 7, 2017



Hi TI's, this is an example of night shielding I use when the MK Ultra vibratory resonance RF signal is turned up. I have mentioned three of these items in previous posts (read them please). A ThermaRest mattress has the aluminized side up against the stinging rays (two large mattresses are much better). Below it serves as a magnetic shield helping protect my head. This setup supposes the perps have access from below. This is not ideal, but we have to improvise. The Aaronia ground mat is triple folded and grounded (330 dB of shielding). Aluminized mylar will do the trick as well, and is much cheaper. Do you see the grounding alligator clip and wire? Below the ThermaRest are 2 liter bottles of water that drop intensity of wattage. Then I also use in extreme situations a soft plastic canteen filled with water and covered in neoprene for comfort, as a pillow.

First just use the canteen with water, and you will bring the intensity of the vibration down as a test. This is an important and a practical way to avoid MK Ultra trance induction. See my other post on this. Do you want to be the next Navy Yard Shooter? Or plow into innocent people with a car? No? Ok, then shield yourself please.

And lastly I have a backpack with an old Dell Laptop that helps shield my head, from the side the RF waves come from.

Notice that my simple mattress is on the floor. My bed had metallic wire mattress supports that act as an antenna, so it had to go. See my other post on beds.

I am 100% sure that the MK Ultra vibratory wave is external. You may also have pain implants in you, but the instructions to do you harm are transmitted to them via RF wave and probably are energized by them. It is probably a combination. Check on your upper back, just below your neck and to the side for a "grease" bump. That is their tracking chip and maybe more.

Any questions?

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