Friday, July 15, 2016

No, all cops are criminals and traitors to humanity as well as liars, thieves and murderers.

Originally shared by Dumuzi (shep)

No, all cops are criminals and traitors to humanity as well as liars, thieves and murderers... jail or worse should be the only way to handle them... this guy in the video is awesome bless his heart... that goof pig should have his head caved in just for throwing buddy's license and papers the way he does... like a pathetic little baby with a gun... then he calls for back up?... these pussies all need re-headucation with a guillotine it looks like... we only need sheriffs...all other "law enforcement" or "peace officers" are armed criminal highway men and respect should be given to pigs... they can burn for their ignorance and treacherous activities... so mote it be... 😩😠

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