Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Here is an instructional video for "Utilization of Radiant Energy"

Here is an instructional video for "Utilization of Radiant Energy"

Utilization of Radiant Energy 1901 Nikola Tesla,  UPLOADER'S test


Uploaded on Feb 26, 2008
In this video I explain the basic elements of the Apparatus for Utilizing Radiant Energy(685,957) patented Nov 5,1901,descibed by Tesla over 100 yrs ago. In the following videos I will show you my setup of Teslas experiment and how I have gotten energy flow. The patent describes that Tesla found cosmic rays in the form of charged particles, as well as high energy em waves, that give off energy to a plate held in the air. The plate is attached to a capacitor and discharge circuit and then finally to a ground whether it be a battery or directly to an earth ground. The energy on the plate can be used to charge a capacitor and after a certain time the charge can become very strong. This can be discharged through the circuit to a relay that pulls a gear on a wheel, or charge a battery or be used for many other applications suggested by the patent. Some main points are that the plates and circuit should be insulated the best as possible to allow full results using another patent of his for insulating capacitors, Tesla admits that the charge takes time to charge the plates , but the point is that there can be a build up of energy to power a device. The area of the plate is also important and proportional to the amount of particle energies that it recieves.
In the next videos I will show the experiment that I have done to show that this patent tells the truth and that it causes energy to be stored in capacitors creating a higher charge than what is found naturally, Tesla had access to the right equipment so i have done my best in the following videos to replicate his work. please leave comments, and experiment for yourself.
Remember that this was done before later experiments in cosmic ray and solar energy detection though this experiment is designed around highly charged particles and rays, day or night. Before finding this patent I didnt even know that there were little particles and ions hitting us going straight through the earth from, the sun, stars, black holes from all directions of space. There are other experiments to show the existance of these rays and their ions, search cloud chamber and cosmic ray detector to see whats invisible and hitting us continuously all the time. Its quite amazing to see this, amazing what your eyes cant see! We cant always judge what our eyes see lol.


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